Here is where we keep you up to date on the new sources we find, our export fields, and review platform strategies to help with setup and encourage solid review workflows.
General Documentation
1. Introduction
2. Data Sources
Sources include applications found in forensically acquired mobile phones, corporate messaging, and social media acquisitions. Below are known sources that have been processed. While new sources are expected and regularly added, some of these may fall into one of the lanes listed below (i.e., JSON export), which may require only slight modifications to process.
Mobile Phones (including, but not limited to)
- Facebook Messenger
- iMessenger
- Viber
- TikTok
- Discord
- Signal
- Kik Messenger
- Line
- iMessage
- Skype
- Teams
- Trillian
Corporate Messaging
- Microsoft Teams – Microsoft Purview f/k/a Security and Compliance
- Purview eDiscovery Standard – f/k/a CORE eDiscovery (email exports)
- Purview eDiscovery Premium – f/k/a Advanced eDiscovery (requiring E3 or E5 Microsoft Licensing)
- Content Search – Native Export (PST/Individual Messages)
- Slack
- Native .json export
- PST export
- Telegram Messenger
- PST Export
- Bloomberg
- Chat
- Messenger
- Google Workspace
- Google Chat (GChat)
Social Meda
- Facebook/Meta
- Law Enforcement Request (Subpoena/Warrant/Court Order)
- Self-Collection
- Parlor
- Law Enforcement Request (Subpoena/Warrant/Court Order)
- PST export
- Twitter
- Law Enforcement Request (Subpoena/Warrant/Court Order)
- Self-Collection
- Instagram
- .DAT Export
- Self-Collection
- LinkedIn Messenger
3. Export Fields
Our standard export fields separated by mobile phone collection and corporate messaging platforms. Specific review platform documentation and assistance can be requested.
Please reach out to our support team.
4. Notes on initial loading
Initial loading will require additional fields added to your database/workspace. It is also beneficial to create specific metadata views that highlight metadata specific to mobile phones and corporate messaging platforms (i.e. ChannelName).
You will also need access to the review platforms data loading (overlay) interface. You will not require any processing module(s) and this data will be loaded as you would a processed or produced data set (.dat files, linking attachments, loading OCR).
For help or documentation for a specific review platform, please reach out to our support team.
Sample Data and Documents
1. Introduction
This section provides sample data and documents. We often get asked, what do these conversations look like in a review platform or when we produce them.
2. Sample Data
Need to see what this would look like in your review platform? Download our cell phone data demo set. This collection was done using Cellebrite and we processed the Standard Report (along with all the provided files) with Converse.
You can load this to any review platform. See our notes on initial loading above.
3. Data Example
Here are a few examples of our Day Conversations:
Standard Day Conversation with embedded image and emoji.
Standard Day Conversation with emoji.
Here is a screen capture of a conversation in Teams and what it looks like rendered in Converse.
4. Sample Reports
Slack Report | Lighting fast report of a Slack export giving a channel summary
Channel Summary
Lists all channels, participants, total message count per channel, and start and end dates. You can narrow in on channels, see which channels a given person was a participant in, and date ranges. Also useful for identifying the size and scope of the collection. Of note, there are 3 kinds of channels. Public channels, direct messages, and private channels.
Channel Activity per day
Shows message counts per day, per channel. Useful for narrowing in on activity in a given time range or seeing when channels were most active.
Message count per participant
Shows how many messages a participant was involved in across all channels. Useful in identifying amount of activity for a given participant or sorting participants based on activity.
Review Platform Applications and Documentation (coming soon)
1. Introduction
This section will eventually contain resources for review platforms such as documentation, metadata schema files and custom database/workspace tools to make life easier when adding a Converse data set to a review application.
For now, please contact support and we will happily provide the resources we have for your specific platform.
Request a Feature or Get Support
Send us a feature or start a conversation with us, we are ready to help you simplify chat review.